Quick and easy way to combine dictionaries:

There's a lot of ways to make a pandas data frame. I often do something like this:

                    "language": language,
                    "percentile": someNumber
                    }, index = [0]

but that works differently than this:

[[author_id, user_array.to_dict(orient="records")]], columns=["user", "languageprofile"]

I typically use the first one because it's easier to remember and understand, but the second way is the only way I've found (yet) to create data frames with lists nested in then. So in this second case, a row would look something like: {"user": "fasdf", "languageprofile": [{"language": "fortran", "percentile":0}, {"language": "python", "percentile":1}]}

The double brackets is a bit confusing, but is a result of the inscrutable list conversions done for this input format.