On mac - CMD+Shift+5 opens the screenshot app with the resizable box

pressing space will toggle between box-selector mode and window mode

CMD-Shift-4 goes right to box-selector mode without the extra menus

You can turn linting off for some files.


I use a file to hold the stuff I need to start up ipython, but the linter has trouble with the imports sometimes. I've taken to using the 'problems' viewer, so the problems there were clogging it up. But, you can just use the 'ignore' setting to ignore the file, so convenient!

A regex for getting tfidf to thing hyphenated words are one word:


Libary for calculating z-score and p-value for bernoulli based experiments. Using it within our internal AB testing suite: https://www.statsmodels.org/stable/generated/statsmodels.stats.proportion.proportions_ztest.html